Who we are
We are a group of Christians who all live in Loughborough and believe that God has called us to develop this church based at Loughborough Polish Social Club. We believe that church should serve the local community both practically and by sharing the Christian message with the local community.
We are ordinary people of different ages and with different backgrounds but we share the same desire to meet together, to worship God, to learn more about what the Bible has to say to us and to encourage and help each other.
the church's 'feel'
We want the church to feel like a family where everyone is valued, cared for and welcomed. We believe that the Christian life is not a set of rules and neither is it about speaking and acting in a way that is different to real life. Our faith is about a personal relationship with the all powerful God, who loves people so much that he came into the world to die for them. Our faith should affect every area of our lives. We believe that our meetings should be relevant to our every day lives and should be understandable to anyone who joins us. We don't want rituals that make no sense to ordinary people. We want to speak in plain English and do not expect people to know and use lots of "religious language". When Jesus came into the world He looked, behaved and spoke just like any ordinary man and we believe that anyone who comes into our meetings should be able to understand what is going on. We may sing some songs that you don't know but you can learn them if you want. If you don't want to sing then you don't have to. You won't be asked to do anything that will make you feel uncomfortable and we hope that you will feel welcomed
Our Mission
Our mission as a Church is clear, it's given to us in the Bible (Mathew 28:18-20). The verses say this as Jesus talks to his disciples
Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Find out more about US
If you would like to find out about what the Bible has to say and why we believe that its message is so important, then come along to one of our meetings or fill in the contact form (on the contact page) and we will be happy to get in touch with you. If you prefer you can phone or text on 07960 751778 and you can also contact us on Facebook.